The Queen vs. The Defendant

Cases tagged as Sexual Interference

Cases in 2023

  • R. v. R.P.2023

    The client was charged with communicating with a person under the age of 18 years in order to commit a sexual offence against the minor. This was a very serious charge that if convicted, the client would receive a potential jail sentence of three years or more as well as registration onto a sex offender registry for twenty years. After reviewing the disclosure in detail I was able to find issues with the prosecutor's case against the client. I met with the prosecutor who agreed with my assessment. The prosecutor agreed to the client entering into a peace bond and the charge being dropped. This left my client without a conviction and without a criminal record.

Cases in 2022

  • R. v. Q.M.2022

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference of a minor. This was an incredibly serious allegation that would have led to jail time for three years or more if convicted. The file was incredibly complex and required significant thought as to the trial strategy. I knew that the client had a very good defence. I worked closely with the client for trial preparations. In the end, less than a week before the trial in front of a jury was set to begin, the prosecutor realized the inherent weakness in their case and outright withdrew both charges. With the charges both dropped, the client was left without a conviction and without a criminal record.

  • R. v. N.C.2022

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor i.e. engaging in a sexual act with someone under the age of 16. This was an interesting case where the complainant's credibility and reliability was in question. There was also another person charged at the same time as the client so there were two alleged offenders. The matter was set for trial after a not guilty plea was entered. During extensive preparations for trial, and with discussions with the co-accused's lawyer, I was able to confirm the strength of the client's defence to the charges. During my trial preparations, I had discussions with the prosecutor. I was able to convince them to drop the charges outright after the client completed some counselling and courses. This left the client without a conviction and without a criminal record.

  • R. v. J.D.2022

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference. This was a serious allegation and the client was at risk of a jail sentence if convicted. I was able to convince the prosecutor that the matter could be resolved by way of the client entering into a common law peace bond. The prosecutor agreed and the charges were dropped.

  • R. v. R.G.2022

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference (with someone under 16 years of age). The client was in a position of trust over the victim. The client decided to plead guilty and wanted to get as little jail time as possible. There were problems with the evidence, which I explained to the crown prosecutor. I was able to get the crown prosecutor to agree to withdraw the sexual assault charge if the client pleads guilty to the sexual interference charge and join me in recommending a sentence of six months of jail and 18 months of probation. The client instructed me to accept that “plea deal”. The judge accepted our joint recommendation. The client pleaded guilty to sexual interference, the sexual assault charge was withdrawn, and the client was sentenced to six months of incarceration and 18 months of probation. This was an excellent outcome for the client, especially considering that the 2020 Supreme Court of Canada decision R v Friesen directed sentencing judges that prison sentences of five to ten years or more should be “the norm” for many sexual interference cases.

Cases in 2021

  • R. v. E.L.2021

    This was a long drawn out matter. The client was charged with sexual interference with a minor, and sexual assault of a minor. The allegation was made in the context of the complainant being a dependant. There were signfiicant issues with the complainant's crediblity, and the reliability of her evidence. The matter proceeded to a preliminary inquiry. After I cross-examined the police officer who investigated the matter, and the complainant, the crown agreed to drop the charge. The matter was resolved so that the client did not have a criminal record.

Cases in 2020

  • R. v. M.R.2020

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor. The matter arose out of a lengthy family law dispute. The matter proceeded to a preliminary inquiry. At the preliminary inquiry, I was able to convince the crown prosecutor that they could not proceed on one of the several charges. They agreed, and at the preliminary inquiry, that charge was withdrawn. The remaining charges proceeded from the preliminary inquiry on to trial. At the preliminary I was able to make a lot of headway during my cross-examination of the complainants. There was a lot of valuable evidence that would have been useful at the trial of the matter. The matter was set for trial with a judge sitting alone at the Court of Queen's Bench. After a review of the evidence, the crown agreed to drop the charges. The client was left without a conviction.

  • R. v. D.R.2020

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual exploitation of a young person when in a position of trust, invitation to sexual touching, and sexual interference. He pleaded not guilty and the matter was down for a preliminary hearing. At the prelim, after discussions with the crown, he agreed there was not much to go on, and that at most it was an assault. The crown offered a 6 month peace bond, which the client accepted. The charges were then stayed.

Cases in 2019

  • R. v. A.T.2019

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, and invitation to sexual touching. He pleaded not guilty and the matter was set down for trial. After pre-trial discussions with the crown, the client decided to accept the resolution offer presented. He pleaded guilty to an amended charge of simple assault for probation, and the charges of sexual assault, sexual interference and invitation to sexual touching were dropped.

Cases in 2018

  • R. v. M.M.2018

    The client was charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of sexual interference. There was significant evidence against my client, and he instructed me to proceed with a guilty plea. The crown prosecutor was originally seeking a penitentiary jail sentence. I convinced the crown prosecutor that the sentence they were originally seeking was outside of the applicable range. I convinced the crown to agree to a guilty plea to one charge of sexual interference with a minor for a 90-day jail sentence (versus the original 3-4 years the crown was seeking). The remaining three charges of sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor were withdrawn (dropped).

  • R. v. D.U.2018

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor. The client decided to proceed with a guilty plea to the one charge of sexual assault. The crown prosecutor sought a sentence of custody (jail) for the client. However, I made legal arguments to the judge and the judge agreed with my arguments and sentenced the client to a conditional discharge, leaving my client without a conviction being entered. The remaining charge was withdrawn (dropped).

  • R. v. P.D.2018

    The client was charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of sexual interference with a minor. The client pleaded not guilty and the matter was set down for trial. At trial, after the first witness testified, I approached the crown and convinced them that the matter should be resolved by way of a peace bond. The charges were withdrawn, and jail time was avoided.

  • R. v. G.H.2018

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor. The client pleaded not guilty and the matter was set down for trial. The client clearly had good defences to the allegations. After discussion with the crown, they agreed to withdraw all charges and have the client enter into a peace bond for 9 months. No criminal record/no conviction.

  • R. v. A.R.2018

    The client was charged with making sexually explicit material available to a child, accessing, possessing, and making child pornography, invitation to sexual touching, and child luring under 18 and under 16. I engaged in lengthy discussions with the crown with a view to resolving the matter by way of a peace bond. The crown agreed, and the charges were withdrawn, the client thus avoiding a penitentiary jail sentence.

  • R. v. J.W.2018

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual exploitation of a person with a disability, and invitation to sexual touching of a minor. He pleaded not guilty and the matter was set down for a preliminary hearing. At the preliminary inquiry, the judge decided there was enough evidence to proceed to trial, and the matter was sent to Queen's Bench for that purpose. It was set for a judge and jury trial. The crown was originally seeking a lengthy term of incarceration if the client had been convicted. However, I worked tirelessly for the client and managed to convince the prosecutor that there was no reasonable likelihood of conviction. The crown agreed to a short peace bond, and the charges were all dropped. The client was left without a conviction and without a criminal record.

  • R. v. J.F.2018

    The client was charged with making, possessing, and accessing child pornography, invitation to sexual touching, transmitting sexually explicit material to a minor, and communicating with a minor to facilitate the making of child pornography and to facilitate an invitation to sexual touching. After lengthy discussions with the crown, they were convinced to withdraw the charge and to allow the client to enter into a one-year common law peace bond.

  • R. v. L.H.2018

    The client was charged with exposing himself to a person under the age of 16 years. After discussions with the crown, and admittance requirements discussions with the program coordinators, it was agreed that the client was a fit and the matter could be referred to the mental health diversion program. Upon completion of the requirements, the crown withdrew the charge.

Cases in 2017

  • R. v. J.A.2017

    The client was charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of sexual interference with a minor. This was a very complex matter involving voluntariness of statements. Ms. Karpa painstakingly researched the law, and was able to discuss the matter with the crown and convinced the crown to resolve the matter by way of a peace bond and the charges were withdrawn.

  • R. v. R.R.2017

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference. The client plead guilty to the lesser and included offence of simple assault. The sexual interference charge was withdrawn. The client received a three-year conditional discharge with conditions to not contact the complainant, complete 40 hours of community service, and to attend counselling. No conviction.

  • R. v. S.G.2017

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and assault with a weapon. The matter proceeded to a preliminary inquiry, and then to trial. At trial, the client plead not guilty. I worked tirelessly to ensure that the client received the best possible defence. Upon completion of the trial, the client was found NOT GUILTY. No conviction. No criminal record.

  • R. v. F.J.2017

    Client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor. The matter proceeded to a preliminary inquiry. Thereafter, the client plead not guilty and the matter proceeded to trial. I worked diligently in preparation of both the preliminary. I completed throughout research and preparation for trial. After my cross-examination of the complainant, and after the direct evidence from my client, the judge was left with a reasonable doubt and the client was found NOT GUILTY.

  • R. v. B.M.2017

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and invitation to sexual touching. The client gave instructions to Ms. Karpa plead guilty to sexual interference and the remaining two counts were withdrawn. The crown sought a sentence of 3 years, while Ms. Karpa sought a sentence of 2 years’ incarceration.

  • R. v. M.K.2017

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching and touching for a sexual purpose. Ms. Karpa reviewed the file entirely, and determined that there was, in her opinion, no reasonable likelihood of conviction on one set of counts. In addition, Ms. Karpa determined that there was lost evidence, thus opening up the possibility of a stay of proceedings. Ms. Karpa discussed the matter with the crown, and the charges were all stayed. No criminal record. No conviction.

  • R. v. G.F.2017

    The client was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and failing to comply. The client plead not guilty and the matter was set for a preliminary inquiry. At the prelim, the crown withdrew the failure to comply charge. The matter was eventually set down for trial. Upon conclusion of the trial, the judge found the client not guilty on all of the sexual offences.

  • R. v. B.P.2017

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference. He plead guilty to sexual interference and received a jail term of 2 years, plus 18 months’ probation with conditions. The crown had sought a 3-year jail sentence, but the judge agreed with Ms. Karpa's position.

Cases in 2016

  • R. v. R.T.2016

    The client was charged with sexual interference with a minor and sexual assault. Ms. Karpa convinced the crown to stay the charge prior to the preliminary inquiry being held. No criminal conviction/no criminal record.

  • R. v. G.B.2016

    The client was charged with luring, possession of child pornography, and sexual interference with a minor and sexual assault. All of the charges against the client were withdrawn by the crown based upon the work Ms. Karpa did for the client.

Cases in 2015

  • R. v. G.F.2015

    The client was charged with sexual interference with a minor. Despite there being warrants for the client'’s arrest on other matters, Ms. Karpa secured the client'’s release on bail.

  • R. v. C.R.2015

    The client was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a minor. Ms. Karpa thoroughly reviewed the evidence and determined that the Crown'’s case was weak. After extensively preparing the file for preliminary inquiry, the charges were stayed against the client. No conviction/no criminal record.

  • R. v. T.N.2015

    The client was charged with sexual interference and sexual assault. Calgary criminal lawyer Susan Karpa had the charges against the client dropped on the basis of months of tireless work and commitment to her client's file.

Cases in 2014

  • R. v. B.M.2014

    The client was charged with serious allegations of sexual assault and sexual interference. After lengthy preparations for court, including multiple client and witness meetings, all of the charges against the client were withdrawn. No conviction. No criminal record.