The Queen vs. The Defendant

Cases tagged as Intimidation

Cases in 2022

  • R. v. A.P.2022

    The client was charged with assault, assault while choking, forcible confinement and intimidation. The client and the complainant were in a relationship at the time of the domestic dispute. At first the prosecutor was of the view that they would be proceeding with the charges against the client given their serious nature. Prior to trial, I had the client complete counselling. While preparing for the trial, I contacted the prosecutor to try to negotiate a resolution of the matter which would leave my client without a conviction. The prosecutor agreed. The client received a peace bond and all charges were dropped. This left my client without a conviction and without a criminal record.

  • R. v. M.M. 2022

    The client was charged with assault, assaulting a police officer and intimidation. Because the client had a past history involving alcohol and criminal charges, and because this allegation involved alcohol, it took a lot of convincing to have the crown prosecutor agree to refer the case to the Alternative Measures Program. Once they did agree to the referral, the client completed the program requirements and the charges were all withdrawn, leaving my client without a criminal record and without any convictions.

  • R. v. M.N. 2022

    The client was charged with assault and criminal intimidation for an incident involving his wife and child. I reviewed the file in detail and determined that there was no evidence upon which the crown prosecutor could prove the allegations. The crown prosecutor agreed with my review and dropped all the charges against the client. My client was left with no conviction and no criminal record.