The Queen vs. The Defendant

Cases tagged as Animal Cruelty

Cases in 2023

  • R. v. M.O.2023

    The client was charged pursuant to the Criminal Code of Canada with animal cruelty. This was a very serious allegation that could have resulted in the client never being allowed to own animals again. It also could have led to potential jail time. It is an indictable offence. That means that it is treated seriously. The client had a version of events which was consistent with the prosecutor not being able to prove the offence. The client did everything I asked of them (courses, counselling) and this helped me to negotiate with the prosecutor. I reviewed disclosure as well and determined that the case against the client was weak, and the client's rights had been violated by the police. I set up a meeting with the prosecutor to discuss my findings. After doing so, the prosecutor agreed that there were issues with their case, and they were very pleased with the documentation I had provided (courses). They agreed to outright drop the charge against the client. The client was able to have the animals back in their custody after the charge was dropped. The client was left without a conviction and without a criminal record.

Cases in 2016

  • R. v. D.P.2016

    The client was charged with causing an animal to be in distress. Ms. Karpa worked to ensure that the client did not receive a criminal conviction. The charge was withdrawn. No criminal record/no criminal conviction.