The Queen vs. The Defendant

Cases tagged as Robbery

Cases in 2022

  • R. v. C.L.2022

    The client was charged with several charges of robbery, including one charge of armed robbery, uttering threats, assault and failing to appear in court. Given the multiple charges of robbery, the client was facing a term of jail for at least three years. However, the client had participated in counselling at my urging so that he could overcome his addictions. With that information, I was able to negotiate a plea deal for the client for a conditional sentence order and no actual jail.

  • R. v. K.R.2022

    The client was charged with multiple criminal offences including robberies, thefts, break and enters, possession of property/substances, failure to comply with release and failure to appear in court. The client also had an extensive criminal record. I entered into plea negotiations with the prosecutor and ultimately they agreed to a plea to mischief I was able to have the crown agree to global resolution and have the client only plead guilty four charges and have the rest withdrawn. The client was sentenced to a probation only.

Cases in 2020

  • R. v. J.B.2020

    The client was charged with theft under $5000, mischief, and robbery. The client was a youth at the time offence and suffered from mental illnesses. After discussions with the crown regarding early case resolution, the crown agreed to allow the client to divert to the mental health diversion program to resolve these charges. Upon completion of the mental health diversion program, all the charges were withdrawn.

Cases in 2018

  • R. v. A.W.2018

    The client was charged with theft over $5000, theft under $5000, breaking and entering, possession (drugs), failing to comply, failing to appear and failing to attend for ID. After meeting with the crown to negotiate a resolution of the matter, the client pleaded guilty to theft under, failing to appear and theft of a motor vehicle (instead of theft over). The remaining charges against the client were withdrawn. The client had a lengthy criminal record. The client was sentenced to time served so there was no further incarceration.

Cases in 2017

  • R. v. A.M.2017

    The client was charged with robberies. Ms. Karpa successfully negotiated a plea deal wherein the client plead to reduced charges and received a conditional sentence order, thus avoiding a penitentiary jail term.

  • R. v. N.E.2017

    The client was charged with robbery. After a lengthy discussion with the crown, and much legal research and preparation for a trial, the crown agreed to a plea to simple assault at the last minute. The client received a short term of probation.

Cases in 2016

  • R. v. G.R.2016

    The client was charged with breaching a probation order in relation to a previous robbery matter. Ms. Karpa had the breach dropped/withdrawn altogether.

  • R. v. G.H.2016

    The client was charged with the robbery of a convenience store employee. The matter would have garnered a jail sentence of three years'’. Ms. Karpa was able to secure a reduced plea to assault with a weapon and theft under $5000.00 for a conditional discharge. The client did not have to spent any time in jail.

  • R. v. B.L.2016

    The client was charged with a robbery (roll job/mugging). The crown stayed the charge. No criminal conviction/no criminal record.

Cases in 2015

  • R. v. E.E.2015

    Client was charged with breaching a court order in relation to robbery matter. Ms. Karpa secured his release.

  • R. v. J.D.2015

    The client was charged with multiple counts of firearms offences, drug offences and robbery. The Crown was seeking 8 years in custody for these serious matters. Despite that, Ms. Karpa secured a sentence of 5 years in custody.

  • R. v. R.M.2015

    The client was charged with a serious robbery and an assault and theft. The client had a related record. The Crown sought an extensive amount of time in jail. Ms. Karpa was able to argue for a significantly reduced sentence.

  • R. v. J.W.2015

    The client was charged with robbery and weapons offences in relation to an allegation at a restaurant. Ms. Karpa had the charges dropped outright. No criminal record/no conviction entered.

  • R. v. C.W.2015

    The client was charged with two counts of robbery, one count of break and enter, and one count of uttering threats. Ms. Karpa had the charges reduced to two counts of theft under $5000.00 and uttering threats for 1 year probation.

  • R. v. N.M.2015

    The client faced a charge of robbery regarding an allegation of using a knife to threaten a stranger on the street. The client had a related record for robbery for which they had received a sentence of one year in jail. Despite the prior related record, Ms. Karpa secured a plea to a two month sentence for the lesser included offence of assault with a weapon, and with time served, the client was released from custody the same day as the sentence.

  • R. v. D.G.2015

    The client was charged with the robbery of a financial institution. With the changes to the Criminal Code in 2012, the client faced a penitentiary term of imprisonment. Ms. Karpa worked tirelessly to negotiation a resolution that took into account the client'’s uniquely mitigating circumstances, and a conditional sentence was imposed.

Cases in 2014

  • R. v. L.R.2014

    Ms. Karpa argued for the release of her client for a home invasion robbery despite a significant prior related record for noncompliance with court orders and assaults. The client was released on low cash bail.

  • R. v. R.B2014

    The client was charged with a serious allegation of a home invasion break and enter/robbery and aggravated assault (stabbing). The Crown sought a substantial penitentiary term. Despite that, on a guilty plea Ms. Karpa successfully argued for a three year penitentiary term where the client had a lengthy prior related criminal record.

  • R. v. L.R.2014

    Client charged with home invasion robbery and assault causing bodily harm. Instead of the 8 year sentence the Crown sought, client received a sentence of 3 years jail.

  • R. v. M.Z.2014

    The client plead guilty to a charge of bank robbery (caught on video). The Crown sought a sentence of 3 years jail. Ms. Karpa successfully argued for a 2 year jail sentence.

  • R. v. B.N.2014

    The client plead guilty to 4 separate bank robberies (caught on video) and 1 charge of possession of stolen property over $5000.00. The Crown sought a sentence of 10 years'’ incarceration. Ms. Karpa successfully argued for a sentence of 6 years total. The Judge agreed with Ms. Karpa'’s submissions, and the client was sentenced to 6 years total, less time for pre-trial custody.

Cases in 2013

  • R. v. M.M.2013

    Client was charged with obstructing a police officer, possession of a stolen motor vehicle, robbery, and breaches of bail conditions. Ms. Karpa got the robbery charge withdrawn.

  • R. v. T.N.2013

    Client was charged with robbery and assault. The case involved multiple alleged culprits and was a serious allegation that could have left the client with a criminal record. However, Ms. Karpa got the charges against her client withdrawn.